3 Cheers for Air Source Heat Pumps

Using two separate units to heat and cool your home is so played out. It may not be a flying car, but air source heat pump technology is paving the way to conveniently delivering a more comfortable home.

1. Works smarter not harder. First off, air source heat pumps are incredibly efficient. They're more than 200% efficient at heating and cooling your home. That's really efficient. That, combined with no onsite emissions, means that air source heat pumps are environmentally friendly.

2. Simple and convenient. Air source heat pumps are also more convenient. It takes only one unit to heat and cool your home. And, because there are fewer moving parts, there's less maintenance involved. Also, there's no natural gas, so no carbon monoxide monitor is needed.

3. Lower installation costs. With higher efficiency, you'll save on energy bills. With less maintenance, you'll save on visits from a technician. And, with longer service life and only one unit to install, you'll save on installation costs too.

Air source heat pumps are a cool technology that is heating up thanks to their many great advantages in a single, convenient package.